Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When a bored husband makes a happy wife

J. and I often stay in touch during the day with occasional IMs and text messages. It's usually just cursory "hi" messages, the occasional link to an interesting news article, "I'm leaving now," or information about necessary stops on the way home or whether the dishwasher is clean or dirty. But every once in a while, I get a string of several messages and even phone calls. A bored J. reaches out for entertainment and connection. Sometimes the messages are flirty; other times, they are simply proclamations of the inanity of his current task or the event he's forced to attend. Regardless, anytime I get a series of communications from J. over the course of a day, I get a big smile on my face.

I pointed this out to J. on Monday, and he gave a simple explanation: "Well, you are my best friend." That made me smile even more.

1 comment:

carlsberg said...

this is just about the sweetest thing i have ever read. and something i hope to have one day. a marriage to my best friend.

your writing makes me feel silly about my insignificance but blessed that you giggle at the Old Schooler's commercial... which of course reminds me that we aren't all so far apart, afterall.